Supercharge Your

Block distracting websites until you finish what matters. Whether you're coding, planning, or creating, set custom restrictions that keep you on the path to success.

Illustration of blocked distracting websites
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Say Goodbye to Distractions 👋

Install our FocusPal Browser Extension
Start by installing our browser extension. This will enable FocusPal to automatically block distracting websites based on your preferences.
Integrate the Tools You Use Daily
Start by linking your supported accounts. This process is quick and secure, and allows you to create customized restrictions based on your activities.
Manage Website Distractions Easily
Easily add or remove websites to your restriction list based on your focus needs.
Kickstart Your Projects and Ideas
With your personalized restrictions in place, our system will automatically block distracting websites based on the goals you’ve set. This ensures that you can concentrate fully on your project without interruptions.


GitHub integration logo
Todoist integration logo
Trello integration logo
More coming soon...

Focus on What Matters Most.

Ditch distractions and achieve laser focus. Block websites and apps until you complete your most important tasks.

Level Up Your Productivity.

FocusPal helps you eliminate interruptions, so you can produce high-quality work right from the start, significantly boosting your overall performance.

Personalize Your Focus.

Choose from a variety of integrations with tools you use, to design a focus flow that optimizes your workflow and unlocks peak performance.

Ready to Conquer Distractions?